Rate of Return (ROR) Calculator

Enter the value that you want to calculate rate of return..

Monthly deposit:
Interest Rate:
Estimated Inflation Rate:
Period (years)
Actual Return:
Real Return:
Real Rate of Return *
* Inflation rate has been compounded annually.

Return Calculator


Unlock the potential of your investments with our Rate of Return (ROR) Calculator. This tool is designed to provide investors, financial analysts, and individuals with a clear understanding of their investment performance over time, considering factors like inflation and compounding interest.

Understanding Rate of Return (ROR)

The Rate of Return is a key financial metric that measures the profitability of an investment over a period, expressed as a percentage. It reflects the gain or loss compared to the initial investment, making it essential for evaluating the effectiveness of financial decisions.

How It Works

  1. Monthly Deposit: Enter the amount you plan to invest monthly.
  2. Interest Rate: Specify the annual interest rate you anticipate.
  3. Compounding Frequency: Choose how often interest is compounded.
  4. Inflation Rate: Input the estimated annual inflation rate.
  5. Investment Period: Determine the duration of the investment in years.


Nominal ROR: \( ROR = \left( \frac{Final\ Value}{Initial\ Value} \right)^{\frac{1}{n}} - 1 \) where \( n \) is the number of years.

Real ROR: Adjusts the nominal ROR for inflation, calculated as \( Real\ ROR = \left( \frac{1 + Nominal\ ROR}{1 + Inflation\ Rate} \right) - 1 \).

Practical Uses

LCM is widely used in adding, subtracting, and comparing fractions, scheduling events, and in solving various algebraic problems. It's a fundamental concept in number theory and plays a vital role in computational mathematics.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you find the least common multiple?
The LCM is found by determining the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numbers and using the relationship between GCD and LCM.
What is the general formula for RoR?
The general formula for RoR is \( \frac{Current\ Value - Initial\ Value}{Initial\ Value} \times 100\% \).
What does RoR mean in terms of investments?
RoR in investments refers to the percentage gain or loss on an investment over a specified period, indicating its profitability.
What is the formula for the real RoR?
The formula for real RoR, adjusting for inflation, is \( Real\ RoR = \left( \frac{1 + Nominal\ RoR}{1 + Inflation\ Rate} \right) - 1 \).
What is the difference between ROR and ROI?
ROR measures the percentage change in value over time, while ROI measures the return on the initial investment, often used for a single transaction.
What is an example of a rate of return?
An example is an investment of $100 that grows to $110 in a year, having a 10% rate of return.
What is the ROR in accounting?
In accounting, ROR often refers to the return generated on a company's assets or equity, indicating efficiency in generating profits.
How to calculate a rate?
To calculate a rate, divide the change in value by the original value and multiply by 100 to get a percentage.
What is a good rate of return?
A "good" rate of return varies by investment type and risk; historically, a 7-8% ROR is considered good for stock market investments.